How do I make my paper SWS format?

How do I write an SWS assignment? What makes an essay SWS?


Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) provides guidelines on how to format your writing and how to give credit to sources. 

To format your writing, visit the SWS library guide to view writing samples. There are samples for assignments, templated assignments (when your professor provides a downloadable template), and discussion posts. There is also a formatting checklist which lists the rules for margins, font choice, and other visual elements.

To give credit appropriately, visit the SWS library guide for information on the two ways to credit sources - the in-text citation and source list. You must include an in-text citation every time you reference a source. The complete list of the sources you've used goes at the end of your assignment and is called the source list.

  • Last Updated Oct 22, 2024
  • Views 27313
  • Answered By Mary Snyder (she/her)

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