Can I use synonyms when summarizing or paraphrasing?


The Strayer Writing Standards guide outlines how and when to use direct quotes and how to paraphrase. There is also a great page with examples in our mini-lesson, Use Your Own Words: Preventing Plagiarism (20 min).

A paraphrase is rewording source information in your own words:

  • Rephrase source information in your own words.
  • Avoid repeating the same words of the author.
  • Remember, you cannot just replace words from the original sentence by using synonyms.
  • Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of your paraphrase as a in-text citation (which will be the same on your Source List).

It is not acceptable to use generative AI to paraphrase a source with the intention of copying the paraphrase into your coursework.


  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2020
  • Views 187
  • Answered By Amber Eakin

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