How do I cite a webpage?


You only need to include four items in each source list entry. This list is the same for all source types:

  • Name of the author or organization that created the source
  • Publication date
  • Title of the source
  • How to find the source (typically a permalink)

When citing a webpage, there can be some differences. The Name can be the company or organization who made the website if there is no author listed. The Publication Date can be the date the website was updated, usually found by scrolling to the bottom of the page. The Title can be the name of the page you are on or a short description if there is no title on the page. The URL or link to the page can be used for the "How to find the source" section.

If you are missing any of these required pieces, you would indicate that, as well as shown on page 10 of the SWS Guide.


  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 6882
  • Answered By Amber Eakin

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