How do I cite my textbook?

How do I cite the Learn page in my course? How do I cite a webtext? What is the source list entry for my course materials?


All source list entries have four parts. These are the same for any source, even textbooks, webtexts, or sections of your course shell in Canvas. These are the four:

  • Author, perhaps a person's name, publisher, company, or an organization
  • Publication date, or last update
  • Title of the source
  • How to find the source, perhaps a permalink or a description of the location

Here are examples for textbooks and webtexts.

  1. Stacy Smulowitz. 2021. The Communication Solution: Leading Successful Change in Higher Education.
  2. Strayer University. 2020. Discover the Writer in You. ENG116 Canvas Course.

Here are examples for the Learn section within a course in Canvas.

  1. Joseph Keller. 2023. Problem Solving Like a Superstar Video. Strayer University BUS499 Week 4 Learn.
  2. Anthony Myers. 2023. Solving Problems with Statistics. Strayer University MAT210 Week 3 Learn.  
  3. Kathleen Thompson. 2023. How to Determine the Best Financing Option. Strayer University BUS100 Week 4 Learn.
  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 3545
  • Answered By Amber Eakin

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