How do I get past the stress of writing a paper?

What are some tips to get past stress of writing a paper?


Research doesn't have to be stressful. The Library has tutorials for both beginners and experienced researchers in our Virtual Writing Center. Here are a few quick tips to help you overcome your writer's block

  • Start with the muddiest point: What is the most confusing to you? Can you get clarity on that part?
  • Create a mindmap: Make a visual outline of how the topics or ideas in your paper are connected.
  • Brainstorm: In brainstorming, there are no bad ideas! You can write a list of topics, ideas, or questions to narrow your focus.
  • Free write: Similar to brainstorming, there is no right or wrong way to free write. You might set a timer for one or two minutes to write down the first things that come to mind about your topic.



  • Last Updated Mar 15, 2021
  • Views 132
  • Answered By Emily Perdue

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