Can I make my APA paper into an SWS paper?

How can I transition my APA to SWS? Can I translate APA to SWS?


We do not recommend writing a paper in APA format and then editing it to meet SWS requirements. This will create more work for you.

One reason this creates more work is that SWS and APA require different information. For example, APA specifically asks for only the first initial of authors' first names but SWS asks for full names of authors. This means that converting an APA paper would require re-finding each resource simply to copy down the author's first names.

If you find yourself in a situation that you have an APA paper written already and absolutely must change it into SWS, here are three resources to help you.


  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2023
  • Views 722
  • Answered By Mary Snyder (she/her)

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