How can I retrieve my paper from the drop off review service?

How do I get my paper back from Brainfuse?


After submitting your assignment to the Brainfuse writing drop off review service, you will receive an email to signal when your review is ready to be accessed. Search your inbox for the email subject "Response to your Brainfuse submission." The email gives instructions for two ways to access your feedback. The first way is through your Brainfuse inbox. The second way is through your Brainfuse Message Center. 

You may access Writing Lab feedback within 12 hours from My Message Center under My Account. There are two parts to writing feedback: the response form (a separate file with general comments about your writing) and an annotated copy of your writing (comments within your writing to the specific sentence or paragraph).

  • Last Updated Dec 02, 2024
  • Views 226
  • Answered By Inga Ivory

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