How can I write a quality discussion post?
Is there a checklist for writing a discussion post?
If you have never submitted a discussion post, take a look at the Canvas Help page in iCampus. There is a PDF of exact steps and a video demonstration for how to submit.
Tip 1: Each week, read the discussion questions before reviewing other assigned work.
By doing this, the concepts in question are on your mind as you read and learn. You’ll save time when it comes to writing the post as you will have already begun formulating ideas.
Tip 2: At the start of the quarter, review the professor’s guidance and discussion rubric in the Student Center.
Instructors will explicitly state what they require for full credit and what they look for while grading. Make sure you understand it and use it as a guide throughout the quarter.
Tip 3: Use Microsoft Editor when writing your discussion posts in Word.
We recommend you write your post in Word, then move it to Canvas when complete. In Word, you have full control of formatting and can ensure your post is uniform and professional. Just like you dress your best for a job interview, type your best for discussion posts. Any website may time out when open for a long time. When a site times out, any fields and forms are cleared, such as a discussion post. Another reason to use Word is that you can take advantage of Editor. Rubrics may have points associated with grammar and clarity – Editor can help you earn those points!
Tip 4: Use SWS, when necessary.
If you paraphrase or quote ideas from other sources in discussion posts, then you must use SWS. This means adding in-text citations and a source list. If your discussion post is 100% your own thoughts and ideas - then you do not have to use SWS.
Tip 5: End posts with questions for further discussion.
Help your fellow students to discuss your ideas by bringing up further ideas or questions. This extra touch will show your academic mindset to the professor and assist your fellow students with replying. Rubrics may have points associated with furthering discussion - this strategy can help you earn those points!
Tip 6: Start your reply posts by greeting your fellow student.
Start your reply posts by greeting your fellow student by name. This is a courtesy and helps build community.
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