How can I download a Certificate of Completion?

How do I view a Certificate of Completion?


Certificates of Completion for retired courses may only be retrieved from your Learning History tab.

Learners will obtain a Certificate of Completion only if they’ve finished watching all the videos in a course or a learning path. If you’ve completed a course but it isn’t reflected on your Learning History page, please:

  1. Confirm each individual video in the course has a green checkmark. The green checkmark indicates the video has been viewed.
  2. Refresh the Learning History page. The course should now be marked as Completed.
  3. If you’ve refreshed your Learning History page and confirmed each video has a green checkmark, please clear your cache and cookies then return to the Learning History page. The course should now be marked as Completed.
  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2022
  • Views 121
  • Answered By Amber Eakin

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