Where is my instructor's feedback on my writing?

Where is my professor's comments on my writing assignment?


Your instructor can add feedback on assignments to the gradebook and to the assignment file itself. For example, your instructor may comment in the gradebook that you should use more research in your writing. The annotations in the assignment would point out specific locations to add more research.

The feedback in the gradebook includes the rubric and the comments section. The rubric shows where you earned points and how your grade was calculated. The comments at the bottom of the gradebook are typically high level.

The feedback in the assignment file itself is referred to as annotations. It's to simulate if your instructor printed off your assignment and wrote directly on it. The purpose is to provide detailed feedback on specific parts of your writing.

What does this mean? We always recommend to review the rubric, comments, and annotations for to understand what your instructor is sharing with you. 


  • Last Updated Aug 24, 2022
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Mary Snyder (she/her)

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