How are bullet lists formatted?

Can I use bullet lists in my writing? What SWS rules are there for lists?


PowerPoints, slideshows, and other presentation formats are likely to include bullet points. Most software will allow you to choose the icon, such as the bullet point dot. We recommend choosing a professional icon that does not distract from your content.

Try the link before for step by step instructions on how to add bullet points to a PowerPoint slide.

Written assignments, such as essays, papers, and discussion posts, should not usually include bullet point lists. Written assignments are intended to demonstrate our skills for writing sentences and paragraphs. As such, SWS does not have rules on how to format bullet point lists within paragraphed writing. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to include bullet points, format them in a clear and professional manner.

  • Last Updated Dec 13, 2022
  • Views 174
  • Answered By Mary Snyder (she/her)

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