Is there a bulleted overview of the library resources in my search?
How can I access an overview of the article I have found? How do you use the Generate AI Insights feature?
Many full-text articles in the Online Research Portal display the Generate AI Insights feature. Selecting this feature will generate a bulleted list of highlights from many of the library's full-text articles.
If the Generate AI Insights feature is unavailable for the full-text article you are viewing, it may be because the article is short or the publisher has not granted permission.
These insights do not replace abstracts, which are concise summaries of the articles, but instead can be used to determine if the article deserves further reading.
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Our Library FAQs provide short answers to common questions to save you time. Each frequently asked question (FAQ) has a concise written answer and often an image or brief video. Many FAQs direct you to other pages of our library website, such as the following: