Why do I see a website that is "not secure"?

What does the lock mean in the URL address bar? What is the difference between http and https?


Some websites start with either "HTTP" or "HTTPS." HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the S refers to secure, meaning that it is encrypted (Warf, 1).

A site is not credible because it starts with HTTPS! The source below begins with HTTP. Although it is from a library database, it is not routed through an encrypted site. Facebook is encrypted (HTTPS) but it is not credible.


B. Warf. 2018. Uniform Resource Locator. http://libdatab.strayer.edu/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/sagei/uniform_resource_locator/0?institutionId=6268



  • Url-structure
  • Last Updated Nov 23, 2020
  • Views 74
  • Answered By Amber Eakin

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